
Help Us Preserve the Health of Mille Lacs Lake and its Neighboring Waters!

The Mille Lacs Lake Watershed Group brings together property owners and agencies to improve the regon’s water quality. Join your neighbors, expert presenters, and our local agency and government partners at Mille Lacs Lake Watershed Group’s regular meetings. These meetings usually occur in the morning of the third Monday of the month and are open to anyone interested the health of Mille Lacs Lake and the waters flowing into it.

Upcoming Events

Mille Lacs Lake Watershed Group Meeting April 25, 2025

Come to this FREE event to connect with experts and explore ways you can help conserve, clean up, and preserve the lands and waters you love! See our Expo page which includes a schedule of our seven speakers and list of 20 exhibitors.

The Mille Lacs Lake Watershed Group’s Work

MILLE LACS LAKE in east central Minnesota is a crown jewel among Minnesota’s lakes. Long recognized as one of the premier walleye-producing lakes in the world, it provides many additional recreational opportunities.

People near water
Exploring a shoreline.

Although Mille Lacs enjoys relatively good water quality, the lake is vulnerable. Fertilization of the lake from natural causes and ones related to development of the shoreline and watershed is a concern, and aquatic invasive species create new threats to the lake’s waters.

An example of the kinds of project that MLLWG pursues.
Restoring a shoreline

The Mille Lacs Lake Watershed Group was formed in 1997 to address these risks and preserve the health of our waters. Since then, we have received grants from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, and many other partners.  Funds have helped execute projects that protect and improve water quality, provide educational opportunities for landowners, and monitor water quality

Email us at MilleLacsWatershed@gmail.com to join our email list and receive regular meeting announcements and informative articles about lake health

Learn More!

Clean Up the Lake crew explores trash “hot spots” in Mille Lacs
Divers checked out a number of sites around Mille Lacs Lake in September, 2024, to assess the locations and types of garbage littering the lake bottom. Their 20-page report is now available to download. (Visit the Learn More page to access all our informative articles.)

Clean Up the Lake Pilot Project Report

Our Partners

Contributing Partners
Aitkin, Mille Lacs, & Crow Wing Counties
Aitkin County Board of Commissioners
Aitkin County Soil & Water Conservation District
Area Townships
Cities of Garrison, Wahkon, and Isle
Crow Wing County Soil & Water Conservation District
Mille Lacs Area Tourism Council
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, DNR
Mille Lacs Soil & Water Conservation District
Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Round Lake Association, Aitkin & Crow Wing County
​USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service